Bunny Enclosure Ideas
Prior to bringing a bunny into your home, it's essential to thoroughly research appropriate housing options.
Bunnies require ample space to roam and thrive happily and healthily.
It's important to note that our bunnies are to be kept strictly indoors.
Exercise Pens
You can find pens on chewy.com, Amazon or even Facebook Marketplace.
They need to be at least 36" high and made of metal.
There is also some really nice clear ones available but they are more expensive.

Free Roam
Many bunny parents prefer to allow their bunnies to free roam, granting them minimal to no time confined to cages or pens. However, this practice necessitates thorough bunny-proofing measures to ensure their safety and prevent damage to household items. Amazon offers a wide range of excellent products specifically designed to aid in bunny-proofing your living space, from protective barriers to chew toys.